
Research paper


Research paper

>Publications > Research paper
73 Performance of light-emitting-diode based on quantum dots Effects of Heat Treatment on Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Perovskite Films and Luminous Efficiency of L

S.W. Kim, S. H. Im, S. W. Kim*
Nanoscale, 2013,5, 5205-5214
Publication date : 2013. 04. 08
Impact Factor : 6.739



133 Effect of Multi-armed Triphenylamine-based Hole-transporting Materials for High Performance Perovsk

S. Park, J. H. Heo, J. H. Yun, T. S. Jung, K. Kwak, M. J. Ko, C. H. Cheon, J. Y. Kim, S. H. Im*, H. J. Son*

Chemical Sci., 7, 5517-5522 (2016)

Publication date : May 17, 2016

SCI Impact Factor : 8.668

132 Highly efficient metal halide substituted CH3NH3I(PbI2)1-X(CuBr2)X planar perovskite solar cells

M. Jahandar, J. H. Heo, C. E. Song, K.-J. Kong, W. S. Shin, J.-C. Lee, S. H. Im*, S.-J. Moon*

Nano Energy, 27, 330-339 (2016)

Publication date : July 21, 2016 (Online)

SCI Impact Factor : 12.343

131 Effects of Heat Treatment on Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Perovskite Films and Luminous Efficiency of L

Y.-H. Kim, H. Cho, J. H. Heo, S. H. Im, T.-W. Lee*

Current Applied Physics, 16, 1069–1074 (2016)

Publication date : June 2, 2016 (Online)

SCI Impact Factor : 1.971

130 Highly efficient solid-state mesoscopic PbS with embedded CuS quantum dot-sensitized solar cells

J. P. Park, J. H. Heo, S. H. Im*, S.-W. Kim*

J. Mater. Chem. A, 4, 785-790 (2016)

Publication date : November 27, 2015

SCI Impact Factor : 8.867

129 Highly reproducible, efficient hysteresis-less CH3NH3PbI3-xClx planar hybrid solar cells without re

J. H. Heo, S. H. Im*

Nanoscale, 8, 2554-2560 (2016)

Publication date : December 31, 2015

SCI Impact Factor : 7.367

128 Highly Efficient Organic Hole Transporting Materials for Perovskite and Organic Solar Cells with Lo

S. S. Reddy, K. Gunasekar, J. H. Heo, S. H. Im, C. S. Kim, D.-H. Kim, J. H. Moon, J. Y. Lee, M. Song*, S.-H. Jin*

Adv. Mater., 28, 686–693 (2016)

Publication date : November 30, 2015 (Online)

SCI Impact Factor : 19.791

127 Reproducible formation of uniform CH3NH3PbI3-xClx mixed halide perovskite film by separation of the

D. H. Song, J. H. Heo, S. H. Im*

J. Power Source, 310, 130-136 (2016)

Publication date : February 15, 2016 (Online)

SCI Impact Factor : 6.395

126 Enhanced electronic properties in mesoporous TiO2 via lithium doping for high-efficiency perovskite

F. Giordano*, A. Abate, J. P. C. Baena, M. Saliba, T. Matsui, S. H. Im, S. M. Zakeeruddin, M. K. Nazeeruddin, A. Hagfeldt, M.Graetzel*

Nature Commun., 7, 10379 (2016)

Publication date : Jan 13, 2016

SCI Impact Factor : 12.124
125 Size-controllable gold nano-tetradecapods with tunable optical and electromagnetic properties

K. W. Choi, S. W. Kang, D. Y. Kim, S. H. Im, Y. Park, S. W. Han*, O. O. Park*

J. Mater. Chem. C, 4, 3149-3156 (2016)

Publication date : February 26, 2016

SCI Impact Factor : 5.256
124 Efficient hystresis-less bi-layer type CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite hybrid solar cells

J. K. Park, J. H. Heo, H. J. Han, M. H. Lee, D. H. Song, M. S. You, S.-J. Sung, D.-H. Kim, S. H. Im*

Nanotechnology, 27, 024004 (2016)

Publication date : November 30, 2015

SCI Impact Factor : 3.44
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