
Research paper


Research paper

>Publications > Research paper
278 Influence of periodic flow field on synthesis of perovskite nanocrystals: Synthetic pathway and productivity Synthesis of Au–Cu Alloy Nanoparticles as Peroxidase Mimetics for H2O2 and Glucose Colorimetr
Ye Chan Jee, Woo-Sik Kim*,and Sang Hyuk Im*
Chemical Engineering Journal 454 (2023): 140519.
Publication date : 15 February 2023
SCI Impact Factor : 16.744

255 Waterproof Light-Emitting Metal Halide Perovskite–Polymer Composite Microparticles Prepared v

Kyung Hak Kim, Jin Kyoung Park, Sang Hyuk Im*, Bum Jun Park* 
Particle & Particle Systems Characterization 38.4 (2021): 2100006.

Publication Date: 07 March 2021

SCI impact factor: 3.099


254 Development of a Healable Bulk Heterojunction Using Conjugated Donor Polymers Based on Thymine-Func

Seongwon Yoon, Keun Jun Lee, Sungmin Park, Taehee Kim, Sang Hyuk Im, Hyungju Ahn*, and Hae Jung Son*

Macromolecules 54.7 (2021): 3478-3488.
Publication Date: 18 March 2021

SCI impact factor: 5.918

Abstract Image

252 Interstitial Engineering toward Stable Tin Halide Perovskite Solar Cells

Jin Hyuck Heo, Jong-Goo Park, Sang Hyuk Im and Ki-Ha Hong

Sol. RRL, 4, 2000513 (2020)

Publication date: September. 23. 2020
SCI Impact factor: 7.62

251 Synthesis of Metallic Gold Colored -Al2O3 Nanoplate-TiO2 Core-Shell Pigments with Robust and Phot

Su Jin Lee , Myoung Sang You, Jin Kyoung Park, Bum Jun Park and Sang Hyuk Im

Appl. Chem. Eng., 31, 4, 390-397 (2020)

Publication date: July. 9. 2020

Impact Factor: 0.42

250 Synthesis of post-processable metal halide perovskite nanocrystals via modified ligand-assisted re-

Jin Kyoung Park , Jin Hyuck Heo , Bong Woo Kim, Sang Hyuk Im

Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 92 , 167–173 (2020) 

Publication date: September. 2. 2020

Impact Factor: 5.278

245 Enhanced Weak-Light Detection of Perovskite Photodetectors through Perovskite/Hole-Transport Materi

D. S. Lee, J. H. Heo, J. K. Park, B. W. Kim, H. J. Lee, Y. M. Song, S. H. Im*

Publication Date: 31 March  2021
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 13.14 (2021): 16775-16783

SCI impact factor: 8.758

243 Recent Progress in Metal Halide Perovskite-Based Tandem Solar Cells

Kyung Mun Yeom, So Un Kim, Mun Young Woo, Jun Hong Noh* and Sang Hyuk Im*

Adv. Mater., 32, 2002228 (2020)

Publication date: September. 9. 2020

Impact Factor: 27.398

242 Full-Color Spectrum Coverage by High-ColorPurity Perovskite Nanocrystal Light-Emitting Diodes

Jin Hyuck Heo, Jin Kyoung Park, and Sang Hyuk Im

Cell Reports Physical Science1, 100177 (2020)

Publication date: September. 23. 2020

Impact Factor: 8.109

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